A big benefit to screening WILD in the Garden State is all the knowledge you gain from audience members. At a Native Plant Society of New Jersey screening we discussed the birdhouses in the WILD garden. Someone asked if birds nest in both houses and we said it’s normally just one birdhouse or the other — never two nests at the same time. We said that a House Wren once spent the better part of a day filling one of the birdhouses with sticks — to prevent anyone else from moving in! Well, during the lively discussion we learned that most birds are territorial. They will not abide with a neighbor….even if it’s another wren!
The bird expert said try moving the birdhouses at least 25’ apart and see if we get nesting birds in both birdhouses for the first time.
While the weather warmed up enough for our hands to work and well before nesting season we found a spot for the red bird house eighty feet away from the green birdshouse.
Let’s hope we get nesting native birds this year in both bird houses!