WILD in the Garden State

Watch the Trailer!

Watch the Trailer!

https://vimeo.com/629495179 Wild in the Garden State is the story of connecting to the natural world in suburban New Jersey. Dave and Sarah are city transplants who want a beautiful, ecological garden, but don’t have any gardening experience. The documentary short (under 30 minutes) captures the 

Why Native Plants?

Why Native Plants?

Why native plants?

Insects depend on native plants for food.

This goes far beyond nectar for bees and butterflies….



Dave and I lived one block from an entrance to The High Line. This celebrated, mostly native garden transformed an abandoned, elevated freight rail line into a public park that’s become a model for environmental sustainability and urban renewal. Sarah and Dave on The High 

The Marketing Agency is Our Own Front Lawn

The Marketing Agency is Our Own Front Lawn

The Marketing Agency is Our Own Front Lawn It’s the trashy parts of towns where people are most likely to encounter a native garden. The old dump site that’s now a restored wetland. The flood zone reborn as a rain garden. A vacant lot transformed 

Taking out Invasives

Taking out Invasives

Emerald & Gold, an invasive shrub that’s distributed via bird poop. The WILD garden came with two highly invasive shrubs originally from Asia. Burning Bush — by the kitchen window.  And Emerald & Gold along the fence line. Burning Bush (Euonymus alatus) in front of 

Inside Out Homes

Inside Out Homes

When did gardens stop being gardens and become inside-out homes?

Backyards are now “retreats” with areas to cook, dine, bathe and even sleep….Doesn’t anyone want to garden anymore?

Wishful Thinking

Wishful Thinking

Struggling Steeplebush shrubs are teaching me a lesson in wishful thinking.

Fight for Survival

Fight for Survival

Popular nature documentaries feature dramatic fights for survival. “Jaws and claws” scenes boost ratings, but routine survival is more about devouring….greens.

Bed Number One

Bed Number One

It began with Bed Number One. I was eager to garden. I’d lived in cities all my adult life and had not had a chance to plant anything since my Mother set aside plots in her garden for her children to grow what we wished from seed.

Treatment for WILD in the Garden State

Treatment for WILD in the Garden State

Treatment for “Wild in the Garden State” a documentary on transforming a lawn into a life-sustaining garden.